Let’s celebrate: el Día de los Muertos


Rodrigo Torres/Glow Images

Day of the Dead figures


Creatas / age fotostock

Day of the Dead figure sitting outside a shop

In joyful celebration of the continuity of life, Mexicans observe el Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, each November 1 and 2. It is believed that on this holiday the spirits of loved ones visit Earth. Families prepare for and encourage this visit by cleaning the graves and then decorating ofrendas, or altars, at the graves of their deceased. Some families also construct an ofrenda in their home. They cover the ofrendas with marigolds, papel picado, memorabilia, photos, candles, and the favorite foods and beverages of the deceased. Some families spend the whole night at the cemetery, happily and lovingly remembering and honoring the lives of the dead.