

Andrew Payti

A beautiful street in Puebla, Mexico

The city of Puebla is known for many things, and among these are its nearby volcanoes. On a clear day in Puebla, one can see the peaks of three famous volcanoes: Orizaba, Popocatépetl, and Iztaccíhuatl. Puebla is also known for the famous Mexican sauce called mole poblano, which was first concocted by the nuns in the kitchen of the Santa Rosa Convent. Mole poblano consists of more than forty-five ingredients, including chocolate, chiles of various types, peanuts, vanilla, garlic, tomatoes, almonds, anise, and cumin.

Puebla played an important role in Mexico’s history. The victory of Mexican forces over French invaders took place in Puebla on May 5, 1862. To commemorate this victory, May 5 is still a day of great celebration in Mexico—Cinco de Mayo. Remember, however, that May 5 is not the date of Mexico’s independence from Spain. That is September 16. This historical fact is sometimes confused outside of Mexico.


Explore More:

Have you ever seen talavera pottery from Mexico? This unique style of pottery, which takes the form of plates, vases, jars, and beautiful decorative tiles, has been made in Puebla since the sixteenth century. Search on the Internet for photos of talavera pottery and find out something about its history.

Share What You Know:

1. Have you ever eaten mole poblano? If so, share with your classmates what it tastes like. How many of its forty-five ingredients can you actually taste?

2. Does your town or city celebrate Cinco de Mayo? Have you ever participated in or watched Cinco de Mayo celebrations? What sort of activities did the celebrations include? Discuss the holiday with your classmates—in Spanish, of course!