
Welcome to Spain!
Flamenco, tapas, quaint villages, world-class cities, extraordinary museums, and a greater variety of landscapes than any other country in Europe—Spain has it all. With just […]

Snapshot: Irati Forest
When you think of Spain, are visions of sunny beaches the first thing that comes to your mind? Would you be surprised to know that […]

Las islas Baleares y las Canarias
Intenta contestar a la siguiente pregunta sin mirar el mapa de arriba: ¿dónde están las islas Baleares y las islas Canarias en relación con España? […]

A Trip on the Gaudí Trail
The cathedral in the photograph is the unfinished final masterpiece of Spain’s most notable architect, Antoni Gaudí. Gaudí’s architecture—whether you completely adore it or absolutely […]

España y el fútbol: ¡diversión, pasión, obsesión!
¡Gol! Desde 1929, la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional de España, conocida simplemente como «la Liga», cuenta con la atención de todo el país. Es […]

España, deportista mundial
Sin duda durante muchos años, los españoles recordarán el año 2010 con alegría y orgullo. ¿Por qué? Porque ese año, España ganó la Copa Mundial […]

Bullfighting: Art Form or Outrage?
If you were asked to name some things that come to mind when you think of Spain, it is likely that matadors, bullrings, and bullfights […]

Iberian Lynx
The Iberian lynx is the most endangered of the world’s thirty-six species of cats. Archaeological findings from thousands of years ago indicate that the lynx […]

Flamenco and Sardana: Cultural Identity Through Dance
The fiery flamenco and the symbolic sardana—both are traditional dances of Spain, but the similarity between the dances ends there. The essence and origins of […]