
Slideshow: Galápagos Animals
Click the slideshow below to see exciting images about animals living on the Galápagos Islands.

Welcome to the Galapágos Islands
The Galápagos Islands are the ultimate destination for the scientist, animal lover, photographer, outdoor enthusiast, or just plain adventurer. The island chain sits on a […]

Folk Art: Masks
In Ecuador, artisans create special masks for holidays. They use clay molds to shape the masks with papier-mâché made from brown paper bags and newspaper […]

Traditional Farming in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
Grains are grown and harvested in traditional ways. Indigenous farmers in Ecuador harvest corn by hand, husk and shell it, and lay the shelled corn […]

Using the Land
In the United States in the twenty-first century, we have come to expect frequent change in nearly every aspect of our lives. Fashion and technology […]