Welcome to Paraguay and Uruguay!


Richard Brommer

Colonia, Uruguay

Paraguay is one of two landlocked countries in South America. Can you name the other one? Because it is remote and rather underdeveloped, it is often called the last frontier of the Americas. West of the Paraguay River is the Chaco region where the land tends to be low, marshy plains near the river and dry forest and thorny scrub farther north and west. East of the river the terrain consists of grassy plains and wooded hills. While the Chaco region accounts for 60 percent of the land, less than 2 percent of the population lives there. The majority of the population lives in the southeastern part of Paraguay, mostly within 100 miles of Asunción, the capital and largest city. About 95 percent of the people are of mixed Spanish and Guaraní descent. Paraguay has two official languages—Guaraní and Spanish. In the slideshow below you will learn something unusual about the Paraguayan flag. What do you think it might be?

Uruguay is the second-smallest country in South America. Can you name the smallest? The interior, 75 percent of Uruguay’s area, consists of rolling grass-covered plains. The coastline boasts beautiful beaches such as Punta del Este, as well as tidal lakes, lagoons, and sand dunes. Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital city and major port, sits on the banks of the Río de la Plata. This bustling cosmopolitan city offers a variety of culture—theatre, dance (Uruguayans love to tango), music, festivals—and beautiful beaches. More than half the country’s people live in or near Montevideo. Most of the rural population is involved with sheep and cattle ranching, and Uruguay’s gaucho culture is still strong. With all this livestock, it is no wonder that Uruguayans are voracious meat eaters and love their asados (barbecues)!

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Notice that the names of both countries end with -guay. Research the etymology of both names and report your findings to the class.
1. If you’re a history buff, you might be interested in learning about the history of Paraguay and Uruguay. In what year and from what country did each gain its independence? You also might want to research the War of the Triple Alliance, also known as the Paraguayan War. In 1864, Paraguay declared war on the allied countries of Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina, a conflict that became the bloodiest in South American history and lasted until 1870. What war was taking place in the United States at the same time?
2. Look at a map of Uruguay. You will see that it is a water-rich nation. Name the bodies of water that act as its borders. How many rivers do you see? How many lakes? Can you find a large lagoon? What is its name?
3. Notice the location of the capital cities of Paraguay and Uruguay. Both cities are ports. Paraguay is landlocked, so how do you explain that its capital, Asunción, is a port?