Caracas, Venezuela


Cristóbal Alvarado Minic/Moment Open/Getty Images

The capital building in Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas is the center of Venezuela’s political, scientific, cultural, and intellectual life. With 440 years of history behind it, the Caracas of today is a sprawling metropolis of five million inhabitants. It boasts impressive modern architecture and beautiful works of art, such as mosaics and murals on its streets, in its parks, and in its metro stations. On the northern edge of the city is the Cordillera de la Costa mountain range, which features El Ávila National Park. A cable car (teleférico) takes visitors to the top of El Ávila, one of the highest mountain peaks in the park at 8,990 feet, where they can enjoy spectacular views.


Explore More:

Locate Caracas on a map of Venezuela. Notice that it is near the coastline. Investigate all the fascinating things to do and see in the city and its nearby beaches. Plan one day of sightseeing, and share your plan with your classmates, in Spanish, if possible. Compare plans. Are there some things you all wanted to do or see? Are there some places only a few of you were interested in visiting? What was the most popular destination that your classmates chose?